Page 38 - 21st Century Competencies: Foundation Document for Discussion
P. 38

36 21st Century Competencies
Table 2: Connections between digital tools and resources, key transformational learning practices/contexts, and competency development
   Key Transformational Learning Practices/Contexts
   21st Century Competencies
   Social and Collaboration
Support knowledge building
• Blogs
• Online discussions • File sharing
 • Authentic audiences
• Student voice and choice
• Student creation and iteration of
knowledge (deeper learning)
• New partnerships in learning
• Inquiry-based learning (including
project- and problem-based
• Timely, descriptive feedback
 • Communication • Collaboration
• Negotiation
• Leadership
• Intellectual openness • Conscientiousness
• Critical thinking
• Digital citizenship
 Hybrid and Mobile
Broaden access to education beyond the school walls
• Tablets
• Laptops
• Cloud technology
   • Student-driven inquiry
• Self-directed learning
• New partnerships in learning
• Equity of access
• Authentic, real-world learning
   • Responsibility
• Productivity
• Analysis
• Decision making
• Information literacy
Help students to master abstract concepts
• 3D printers
• Interactive maps
• Graphing tools
• Concept mapping tools
 • Differentiated instruction
• Student discovery/mastery
• Elimination of barriers to higher-
order thinking
• Learner autonomy
• Timely, descriptive feedback
 • Coordination
• Communication
• Metacognition
• Analysis
• Numeracy
• Problem solving and reasoning
 Storytelling and Creation
Develop students as knowledge creators and communicators
• Video/music production tools • Presentation tools
   • Student choice and voice
• Student creation and iteration of
knowledge (deeper learning)
• New partnerships in learning
• Authentic, real-world learning
tasks and audiences
   • Communication
• Collaboration
• Intellectual interpretation • Creativity
• Innovation
• Digital literacy
• Digital citizenship
   Immersive Media and Simulation
Situate learning in real-world and augmented realities
• Virtual worlds
• Interactive games
  • Authentic, real-world learning tasks
• Student creation
• Student discovery/mastery
• Personalized learning
• Timely, descriptive feedback
  • Cooperation
• Conflict resolution
• Curiosity
• Grit and perseverance
• Self-efficacy, initiative
• Problem solving and reasoning • Creativity and innovation
• Critical thinking

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