Page 95 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 95

Closing Address
Now the time has come where you will all listen once again to the thanksgiving address. It is of one mind that shall be used by all of us to give thanks to our Creator.
Now is the time where we once again give thanks to all the different peoples. We send our prayers that all will be of peace among us. That is how it shall be in our minds.
Now is the time where we once again give thanks to our Mother Earth. We send our thanks for all the natural entities she carries on her body. That is how it shall be in our minds.
Now is the time where we once again give thanks to him, the one who completed our bodies. That is how it shall be on our minds.
Now is the time where we all ask upon the Four Sky Dwellers to watch over
all of us while we all make our return to our households.
Now our minds are free to return to our own matters. Now it is time for the unbinding
of our many minds.
That is all – onen ehto
We define ourselves.
We walk forward, to a brighter future knowing our collective potential.
We know that we can do anything. We are still here.
We will always be here.
       Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness 87

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