Page 54 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
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I have attended elementary schools on my reserve for Grade 1 – Grade 7, and Mohawk Institute in Brantford for Grades 5, 7 & 8.
Throughout those years I never once was taught about the history of my people, First Nations, or the present.
My original language, Cayuga, was heard in the ceremonies in the Longhouse I attended before public school. English was the only language spoken and written in the school.
Throughout my school attendance in elementary, secondary, and college,
my people’s history was never presented. Grateful for the elders in my community to revive my spirit and enhance and foster my personal and professional growth with culture, traditions, and language.
I believe teachers should have an understanding of our past history and our present environment. They should also be taking care of their own health and well-being.
– Sherlene Bomberry, Thriver Cayuga, Wolf Clan
Six Nations Indian Reserve #40 Grand River Territory
   46 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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