Page 24 - Restorative Journey: Indigenous Educational Wellness
P. 24

Section 1: Reflective Inquiry
    The beginning of this resource reminded us of the importance of protecting “your heart and mind as you review this content.” It begins with a poem, We Gather Our Minds, inspired by the thanksgiving address that brings us to a place of collective gratitude, well-being, and strength so we may move forward together. Examine the various strategies you use to nurture courageous and fruitful conversations.
   As allies, critically explore the reciprocal dimension of peace, friendship, unity and strength inherent in the statement “we are all treaty partners.”
   How do you define your personal and professional responsibilities as a treaty partner?
   Reflect on the steps you may take to reframe the discourse of Indigenous education within your educational community.
   16 Commemoration • Education • Healing/Wellness

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