Page 7 - Essential Advice for the Teaching Profession - Vol. 8
P. 7

Foundations of Professional Practice articu- lates the high standards that the teaching profession sets for educators in Ontario, bringing together three documents that form the foundation for the self-regulation of the teaching profession in Ontario: The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession describe the professional beliefs and values that guide the decision-making and profes- sional actions of College members in their professional roles and relationships.
The five interdependent domains of the
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession describe the continuum of know- ledge, skills and professional practices of College members.
The Professional Learning Framework
for the Teaching Profession presents a variety of ways College members may pursue opportunities for ongoing profes- sional learning.
Professional standards that guide and reflect exemplary teaching practice and
continuous professional improvement are essential to effective teaching and learning. The College has fostered the development of these professional standards to support exemplary teaching in Ontario.
The Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession, Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession and Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession outline the principles of ethical behaviour, profes- sional practice and ongoing learning for the teaching profession in Ontario.
College members use the standards to reflect on their own development as teach- ing professionals and to inform their prac- tice and ongoing learning choices.
The complete Foundations of Professional Practice can also be found on the College website at: protection/ professional standards.
Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession
Foundations of Professional Practice
Professional Learning Framework for the Teaching Profession
      Ethical Standards
for the Teaching Profession

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