Page 37 - Essential Advice for the Teaching Profession - Vol. 8
P. 37

14. Failing to comply with the Act, the regu- lations or the bylaws.
15. Failing to comply with the Education Act or the regulations made under that Act, if the member is subject to that Act.
16. Contravening a law if the contravention is relevant to the member’s suitability to hold a Certificate of Qualification and Registration.
17. Contravening a law if the contravention has caused or may cause a student who is under the member’s professional supervi- sion to be put at or to remain at risk.
18. An act or omission that, having regard to all the circumstances, would reasonably be regarded by members as disgraceful, dishonourable or unprofessional.
19. Conduct unbecoming a member.
20. Failing to appear before a panel of the
Investigation Committee to be cautioned or admonished, if the Investigation Committee has required the member to appear under clause 26(5)(c) of the Act.
21. Failing to comply with an order of a panel of the Discipline Committee or an order of a panel of the Fitness to Prac- tise Committee.
22. Failing to co-operate in a College inves- tigation.
23. Failing to take reasonable steps to en- sure that requested information is pro- vided in a complete and accurate man- ner if the member is required to provide information to the College under the Act and the regulations.
24. Failing to abide by a written undertaking given by the member to the College or an agreement entered into by the member with the College.
25. Failing to respond adequately or within a reasonable time to a written inquiry from the College.
26. Practising the profession while the member is in a conflict of interest.
27. Failing to comply with the member’s duty under the Child and Family Services Act.
28. Making remarks or engaging in beha- viours that expose any person or class of persons to hatred on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination under Part I of the Human Rights Code.
Section 2
A finding of incompetence, professional misconduct or a similar finding against a member by a governing authority of the teaching profession in a jurisdiction other than Ontario that is based on facts that would, in the opinion of the Discipline Committee, constitute professional miscon- duct as defined in section 1, is defined as professional misconduct for the purposes of subsection 30 (2) of the Act.

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