Page 30 - Essential Advice for the Teaching Profession - Vol. 8
P. 30

Maintaining Professionalism — Use of Electronic Communication
and Social Media
The Council of the Ontario College of Teachers approved this professional advisory on September 27, 2017. This advice applies to all members of the College including, but not limited to, teachers, consultants, vice-principals, principals, supervisory officers, directors of education and those working in non-school board positions.
Electronic communication and social
media create new opportunities for extending and enhancing education. However, as the number of communication forms increase, so does the chance of an unintentional mistake. Ontario Certified Teachers must be aware of the potential risks associated with electronic communication and social media so that they can use them safely and appropriately. By being aware, you can minimize risks and model the digital professionalism expected for teaching professionals.
Maintaining professional boundaries in
all forms of communication, technology- related or not, is vital to maintaining the public trust and appropriate professional relationships. However, when more informal communication channels are used with students and parents,1 professional bound- aries can begin to blur. This advisory will help you to use your professional judgment to identify and avoid potential risks.
The starting point — maintain standards
This professional advisory supports the College’s Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession. The standards, which were developed by members of the College and members of the public, guide and inform the practice of Ontario’s certi- fied teachers.
The ethical standards — in which care, trust, respect and integrity are the cornerstones — identify ethical responsibilities and commit- ments. “Members express their commitment to students’ well-being and learning through positive influence, professional judgment and empathy in practice,” the standards say in ref- erence to care. Honesty, reliability and moral action are embodied in the ethical standard of integrity. The standards of practice guide the professional judgment and all actions of the teaching profession.
1 In this advisory, ‘parent’ means the student’s parent, legally appointed guardian, or any person in a custodial role such as adoptive parent, step-parent, or foster parent.
Increase your awareness surrounding social media use.
Read Maintaining Professionalism — Use of Electronic Communication and Social Media in its entirety by visiting

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