Page 27 - Essential Advice for the Teaching Profession - Vol. 8
P. 27

 Professional Boundaries — An Advisory for Ontario Certified Teachers
This advisory highlights the importance of maintaining professional boundaries and pro- vides practical advice to Ontario Certified Teachers at any point in their education careers. It identifies some of the professional, ethical and legal parameters that govern their practice. It also clarifies their professional responsibilities to conduct themselves in accordance with professional standards, legislation, and the law. It applies to all Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) including teachers, consultants, vice-principals, principals, supervisory officers, dir- ectors of education, those working in non-school-board positions, College members in pri- vate and independent schools, and those in positions requiring a certificate of qualification.
Members of the profession spend a tremen- dous amount of time with their students. Proximity and time enable them to get
to know students well and to assess and address their individual learning needs. Members require greater self-awareness and sensitivity to the conditions which give rise to the possibility for overstepping pro- fessional boundaries — in class, online or in any learning or supervisory situation.
Ontario Certified Teachers (OCTs) under- stand the imbalance of power they have with students and are careful to manage their responsibilities with respect and integrity. The overwhelming majority do. As profession- als, OCTs are expected to demonstrate good judgment and common sense at all times. Their actions should be as transparent as possible and have the appropriate consent of supervisors and parents/guardians.
This advisory highlights the importance of maintaining professional boundaries and pro- vides practical advice to OCTs at any point in
their education careers. It identifies some of the professional, ethical and legal parameters that govern their practice. It also clarifies their professional responsibilities to conduct themselves in accordance with professional standards, legislation, and the law.
There are also multiple roles with col- leagues, parents and others in the commun- ity that can lead to boundary questions. For the purposes of this document, the College’s advice is restricted to professional bound- aries between educators and students.
Issues of establishing professional bound- aries are complex. Although some choices are clear in terms of what is wrong or right, some grey areas exist. The guidance and examples provided in this advisory are
not an exhaustive list of unacceptable behaviours. OCTs should never assume that conduct that is not specifically prohibited is acceptable. They should consult their employer policies, protocols and Ministry of Education resources.
Learn how to maintain healthy professional boundaries with your students.
Read the Professional Advisory — Professional Boundaries: An Advisory for Ontario Certified
Teachers in its entirety by visiting

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