Page 9 - Professional Advisory: Supporting Students' Mental Health
P. 9

 A self-reflective framework to support students’ mental health
Ask yourself:
1. What do I know about mental health and mental illness?
2. What are my personal thoughts and biases?
3. Do I use language that is respectful and non-stigmatizing?
4. Am I part of a school-wide approach to promote mental health? Is there an under- lying philosophy of respect? Are expecta- tions clear? Are routines predictable?
5. What is my support network? Who can I talk with about my concerns at my school?
6. Do I know what professional development I need to support students’ mental health and where to access it?
7. Do I know what my employer’s policy is with respect to getting help?
8. Do I know the school’s mental health lead and/or mental health counselor and how to contact them?
9. Who else on staff has information that can be shared?
10. Do I model a positive outlook, understanding and acceptance of others’ feelings, self- regulation of my emotions, and constructive conflict resolution?
11. Do my students enjoy learning and take an interest in school activities?
Ask yourself:
1. Am I aware of the early signs of possible mental health concerns, mental illness or substance abuse?
2. Is there an identifiable continuum of care for students?
3. Does the student have/need an Individual Education Plan or safety plan (including such things as triggers, warning signs, coping strategies, support network, crisis plan and resources)?
4. Are students self-injuring, at risk of suicide, or at risk of harming others?
Intervene and Support
Ask yourself:
1. Have I created an environment in which students feel safe, valued, engaged and purposeful?
2. What does this student need to succeed? 3. Are students engaged in their own
diagnosis and treatment/care?
4. Do I help to remove the stigmas around
mental health and make it easy for students to approach me or acquire the information they need?
5. Have I created a positive learning environment that encourages caring, respect, and acceptance and recognizes religious and cultural differences?
6. Do I look for opportunities to promote mental health within the curriculum?
7. How can I develop and implement instruc- tional practices that better serve the learning needs of students with mental health issues?
8. In providing support, am I mindful of the need to maintain professional boundaries?
9. How do I support students who feel ashamed or stigmatized?
10. Do I know what to do and who to contact if a student discloses suicidal actions or thoughts?

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