Page 7 - Professional Advisory: Duty to Report
P. 7

 ○ failure of a residential care facility to resume custody, care and supervision of the child when the parent or caregiver refuses to.
• Caregiver Incapacity
○ substance abuse or mental health
concerns that have an impact on a child’s safety or well-being.
A referral should be made when members are aware that abuse or neglect is suspected in a household where children under the age of 16 may reside.
Even if you’ve reported previously, be aware that you may need to report again.
Notwithstanding the examples provided, College members are expected to demonstrate professional judgment, which is informed
at all times by the Ethical Standards for the Teaching Profession and the Standards of Practice for the Teaching Profession.
When reporting
• know the number of your local child protection agency ahead of time. In some communities, you can dial 411 and ask for a children’s aid society or family and children’s services
• check the Ontario Association of Children’s Aid Societies’ website at for your local children’s aid society
• make and keep accurate and factual notes that lead you to suspect child abuse or neglect (your employer may have templates or guidelines to follow). Store these notes in a secure place as they may be required at a later date.
• where possible, have family information available such as names, addresses, dates of birth, and other children in the household when making the call to a children’s aid society
• remember that abuse and neglect shared in confidence is still subject to your duty to report.
• have I read and understood this advice and am I aware of my employer’s policies and protocols, and advice from my professional association?
• have I inquired about additional training, resources and support to help me?
• have I shared my learning with others? • do I fully understand my obligation to
report when I suspect that a child is or may be in need of protection?
Be Able to Say with Confidence...
• I have reported my suspicions and the information on which they are based appropriately and promptly to protect and safeguard the child.
• I have let the children in my care know that they have rights.
• I have done all I can as an ethical teaching practitioner to inform myself, seek training and support and take prompt and immediate action when required in suspected matters of child neglect and abuse.

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