Page 87 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 87

Draft Part C: Early Identification, Assessment, and Transition Planning
   A psychological assessment is an objective measure of samples of behaviour, including its causes, significance, and consequences. It may include the evaluation of the following:
• social adjustment
• emotional status
• personality
• cognitive/developmental functioning • language processing
• information processing
• visual-motor development
• executive functioning (i.e. attention, impulse control) • aptitude
• academic achievement
• motivation
Professional Practice Guidelines for School Psychologists in Ontario
(Toronto: Ontario Psychological Association, 2013) p. 16
The data from a comprehensive psychological assessment informs a psychologist’s recommendations concerning intervention strategies for parents and educators. Such information can inform the development
of a student profile of learning strengths and needs and can be used to guide the formulation of appropriate program adjustments for the learner. A diagnosis is provided where applicable. Only a registered psychologist or registered psychological associate can provide a diagnosis.

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