Page 81 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Draft Part C: Early Identification, Assessment, and Transition Planning
  source for more information about the integrated process of assessment and instruction. The following policy documents also make reference to this process:
• Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010)
• Growing Success – The Kindergarten Addendum (2016)
• Policy/Program Memorandum No. 8, “Identification of and Program
Planning for Students with Learning Disabilities” (2014)
Ongoing Monitoring and Responsive Intervention
The various types of assessments contribute to a decision about the development of a program and supports for a student and the placement, when necessary or as appropriate, of that student. Ongoing assessment and monitoring are necessary to confirm the appropriateness of these programs and supports. As new information is gathered, based on the student’s response to instructional strategies, the teacher notes progress or the
lack of it, considers any adjustments in planning that could be beneficial, and may decide on providing more intensive instructional supports and interventions. In the case of students who have persistent difficulties, the teacher may consider intervention by the in-school team or by out-of- school professionals and/or the provision of additional supports. In such cases, precise and detailed information is required; this can be gathered from various sources, including the records of the classroom teacher(s)
or special education teacher and the findings of any educational or other professional assessments.
The teacher works in collaboration with the in-school team to review the effectiveness of teaching strategies and/or to incorporate recommendations made by out-of-school professionals. Classroom teachers should communicate with the principal, other educators, and other members of the in-school team to coordinate efforts and share information regarding students for whom they believe an IEP should be developed.

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