Page 49 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 49

Draft Part B: Standards for School Boards’ Special Education Plans
  • the types of assessment tools/strategies used to gather appropriate information on students in order to assist in the development of appropriate educational programs
• the types of early intervention strategies that are used to support students prior to referral to an IRPC
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that all of the above information is included and that the board’s early identification procedures and intervention strategies are relevant and appropriate.
The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process and Appeals
Purpose of the Standard
To provide details of the board’s IPRC process to the ministry and to the public
Requirements of the Standard
A board’s special education plan must include a description of the board’s IPRC process, as well as the number of IPRC referrals, reviews, and appeals conducted within the board in the previous school year.
The plan will also include a copy of the board’s guide for parents. At a mini- mum, the parents’ guide to special education must contain the information set out in the sample guide that is included in Appendix D-1 in Part D of this guide. The guide gives parents information on the procedures involved in identifying a student as exceptional and determining the student’s placement, as well as information on appealing the decision of the IPRC
if the parents do not agree with the decision.
Compliance with the Standard
The ministry will review the school board’s special education plan to ensure that the plan includes the above information.

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