Page 239 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 239

 The definitions provided in this glossary are specific to special education.
accommodations. Special teaching and assessment strategies, human supports, and/or individualized equipment required to enable a student to learn and to demonstrate learning. The provincial curriculum expectations for the grade are not altered for a student receiving accommodations only.
alternative learning expectations. Statements on the IEP describing expectations developed to help students acquire knowledge and skills that are not represented in the Ontario curriculum expectations. Because they are not part of a subject or course outlined in the provincial curriculum documents, alternative learning expectations are considered to constitute alternative programs or alternative courses (i.e., secondary school courses). Examples of alternative programs/courses include speech remediation, social skills, orientation/mobility training, and personal care programs. Alternative programs/courses are provided in both the elementary and the secondary panels.
alternative report. A report that records student achievement of alternative expectations. Student progress should be reported to parents by means
of anecdotal comments on an alternative report. It is not required, nor
is it advisable, for grades or marks to be assigned for the achievement of alternative expectations. The anecdotal comments should indicate the student’s progress/achievement relative to the expectations identified in
the IEP, and should comment on the student’s strengths and next steps for improvement. This alternative report should accompany the Provincial

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