Page 227 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
  Students in CTCC education programs may be among the most vulnerable and may be at risk of not completing an elementary and/or secondary education. Although some of the students served within these programs have primary needs other than education, the ministry recognizes that maintaining continuity of education during periods of care, treatment, and/or rehabilitation complements and supports treatment objectives and contributes to improved life outcomes.
The ministry document Guidelines for Educational Programs for Students in Government Approved Care and/or Treatment, Custody
and Correctional (CTCC) Facilities provides direction to school boards regarding the approval and delivery of educational programs for students who are clients of a government-approved CTCC facility. This document also includes information on the elements of an agreement between a facility and a district school board. The guidelines will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis, providing the ministry with a medium to support the transformation of CTCC education programs in the coming years.
The ministry provides funding for educational programs in CTCC facilities through the Care, Treatment, Custody and Correctional (CTCC) Amount allocation of the Special Education Grant (SEG). More information on this funding allocation can be found in the Special Education Funding section of Part A, or on the Education Funding page of the ministry website.
Hospital Boards
Section 68 of the Education Act authorizes the Minister of Education to establish, by order, school authorities for elementary and/or secondary purposes on land held by the Crown or on tax-exempt land. These school authorities are distinct from the seventy-two district school boards but have similar powers, duties, and responsibilities. School authorities that are located within treatment centres for children and youth are commonly known as “hospital boards”.1 In treatment centres ranging in size from small community-based centres to large urban hospitals, hospital boards
1. Six of the ten school authorities are located in treatment centres for children and youth. The other four school authorities manage schools in remote and sparsely populated regions.

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