Page 205 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 205

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft
The information gathered from the various sources consulted needs to be consolidated and analysed to provide a detailed picture of the student’s areas of strength and need, and to identify any consistent patterns of successful learning. Assessment data may be checked against information gathered from other sources to determine whether the other information supports the patterns revealed by the assessments. Discrepancies in information from different sources should be investigated and taken into consideration, as appropriate, in preparing the IEP.
12. Date of Completion of the IEP
Under Regulation 181/98, an IEP must be developed within 30 school days of the exceptional student’s placement in a special education program. “Placement” will be taken to mean one of the following:
• the first day of a student’s attendance in the new special education program specified in the IPRC’s statement of decision
• the first day of the new school year or semester in which the student is continuing in a placement subsequent to its confirmation by the annual IPRC review
• the first day of the student’s enrolment in a special education program that the student begins in mid-year or mid-semester as a result of a change of placement
The 30-day period must be calculated from the first day of the student’s placement in a special education program, as defined above.
The 30-day period for completion of an IEP applies to the IEPs of all students, including those who have not been identified as exceptional by an IPRC but who receive a special education program and/or services.
Both the date on which the student begins his or her placement in a special education program and the date on which the IEP is completed must be recorded in the IEP.

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