Page 193 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 193

Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft 8. Transition Plans
The transition plan is a detailed and coordinated plan designed to assist the student in making successful educational transitions.
The regulatory and policy requirements concerning the transition plan
are set out at the beginning of this part of the guide, in the section entitled Requirements under Ontario Regulation 181/98 and Policy/Program Memoranda Nos. 140 and 156. As stated there, with PPM No. 156, “Supporting Transitions for Students with Special Education Needs”,
the requirement for transition planning is extended to all students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, who have an IEP, and this policy applies to all the key transitions that students make in the course of their education. (Detailed information on the key transitions can be found in the Transition Planning section of Part C of this guide.) In some cases, the student may have no particular need of support during transitions; in those cases, the transition plan should state that no actions are required. At the discretion of the board, a transition plan may also be developed for students who receive special education programs and/or services but do not have an IEP and have not been identified as exceptional.
The specific requirements of PPM No. 156 concerning the development of the transition plan as part of the IEP are consistent with requirements that schools and school boards have been meeting since 1998 with respect to the secondary-to-postsecondary transition plan required under O. Reg. 181/98. As with O. Reg. 181/98, the school principal is responsible for ensuring the coordination and development of the transition plan, but not for all the assigned tasks within it.
All transition plans must be:
• developed as part of the student’s IEP;
• developed in consultation with the parent(s), the student (as
appropriate), the postsecondary institution (where appropriate), and
relevant community agencies and/or partners, as necessary;
• reviewed as part of the review of the IEP, and the results of each review
should be used to update the transition plan;
• stored in the Ontario Student Record (OSR) documentation folder.

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