Page 183 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft 5. Special Education Strategies, Resources, and
Other Accommodations
Special education strategies, resources, and other accommodations support the student in achieving the annual goals and learning expectations identified in the IEP. Both students who are working on regular grade-level expectations and students who are working on modified or alternative expectations may require accommodations and specialized supports and services. The specific strategies, human resources, and individualized equipment required to facilitate the student’s learning must be identified in the IEP. Descriptions and examples of each type of support are given under the corresponding headings below (see sections 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3).
In its statement of decision, the IPRC may have made recommendations for the special education services needed to facilitate the student’s learning. When determining the strategies, resources, and other accommodations to be provided to the student and listed in the IEP, the educators contributing to the development of the plan must take into account the recommendations regarding special education programs and services made by the IPRC in its statement of decision.
In addition, PPM No. 140 requires that, where appropriate, relevant
applied behaviour analysis (ABA) methods be incorporated into the IEPs
of students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Relevant ABA methods can support students with ASD in a number of ways. For example ABA methods can help a student to develop positive behaviours, learn new skills, and transfer a positive behaviour or response from one situation to another. ABA methods can also be used to limit the conditions under which problematic behaviours occur.
If the student requires the same types of accommodations in all subjects, courses, and skill areas, the information may be grouped in the IEP in
a separate accommodations section. Alternatively, if the student’s needs relate to particular modified or alternative subjects, courses, or skill areas, the information relevant to each may be included under the appropriate program area headings.
5.1 Individualized Teaching Strategies and Other Accommodations
Individualized instructional and assessment strategies are necessary to support students effectively in achieving their learning expectations and in

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