Page 151 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12 Draft (continued)
   (7) Within 30 school days of an implementation of a change in placement or, where the placement is confirmed, within 30 school days of receiving the notice under subsection (1), the principal shall ensure that,
(a) the plan has been reviewed and updated as appropriate;
(b) a transition plan has been added to the individual education plan where required by
subsection (4); and
(c) a copy of the individual education plan has been sent to a parent of the pupil and,
where the pupil is 16 years of age or older, the pupil.
8. The principal shall ensure that the individual education plan for a pupil is included in the
record kept in respect of the pupil under clause 265(d) of the Act, unless a parent of the pupil has objected in writing.
*As amended by Ontario Regulation 137/01.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsections 6(2)–6(8), 7(4)–7(7), and section 8)
In addition to developing an IEP for every student identified as exceptional by an IPRC, as required by the regulation, school boards may also develop IEPs for students who are receiving special education programs and/or related services but who have not been identified as exceptional by an IPRC.
With the release of Policy/Program Memorandum No. 140, “Incorporating Methods of Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) Into Programs for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)” (2007), it became a requirement for principals to ensure that ABA methods are incorporated into the IEPs of students with ASD, where appropriate. They must also ensure that relevant school board personnel and community personnel who have previously worked and/or are currently working with a student with an ASD are invited to provide input and participate in the IEP process. Given the range of needs for students with ASD, the principal must ensure that staff developing a student’s IEP consider special education program and service options that will best take into account the student’s individual strengths and areas of need in the demonstration of learning.
With regard to transition planning, in addition to what is stated above about the requirements under O. Reg. 181/98, ministry policy requires that a transition plan be developed for all students, from Kindergarten to Grade 12, who have an IEP, whether or not they have been identified

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