Page 148 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 148

The Individual Education Plan (IEP)
This part of the guide sets out the Ministry of Education’s standards for
the development, implementation, monitoring, and review of Individual Education Plans (IEPs). These standards were introduced in the document Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation (2000), and remain unchanged.1 This part of the guide also provides information on how the transition plan is developed as part of the IEP, and describes effective practices related to various aspects of IEP development. It explains the importance of collaboration when developing an IEP and describes how best to provide accommodations, modify expectations, and plan instruction and assessment. It also suggests how to seek resolution to any disagreements that may arise during the IEP process.
Included at the end of this part is a sample IEP template that is aligned with the provincial standards for developing IEPs (see Appendix E-2). It was designed to assist school boards in developing their IEPs. Boards that choose to develop their own form must ensure that it addresses all the elements outlined in this part of the guide. While the ministry does not mandate a particular management system for the IEP, most boards use an electronic management system.
1. For background reference, the standards introduced in Individual Education Plans (2000) are listed in Appendix E-1.

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