Page 121 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 121

Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process The IPRC Review Decision
The IPRC will review the original placement and identification decisions and decide whether they should be continued or revised. The IPRC review considers the same type of information that was originally considered
at the initial IPRC. With the parent’s written permission, the IPRC conducting the review will consider the progress that the student has made in relation to the IEP.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 23(2)) After the IPRC Review Decision
As soon as possible after the IPRC review, a written statement confirming or changing the student’s identification and/or placement must be sent by the chair of the committee to:
• the parent;
• the student, where the student is 16 years of age or older;
• the school principal;
• the designated representative of the school board providing the services; • the representative of the purchasing board (if appropriate).
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsections 23 (3) and (4)) Following an IPRC review, the IPRC may:
• confirm its original decision about the identification and placement of the student and provide all relevant parties with a written statement of decision; or
• change its original decision about the student’s identification or placement, or both, and provide all relevant parties with a new statement of decision that specifies:
✧ reasons for changing the original IPRC decision;
✧ whether the student should continue to be identified as an exceptional
✧ where the committee considers that the student should continue to
be identified as an exceptional student, the committee’s placement decision, description of the student’s strengths and needs, and the categories and definitions of any exceptionalities of the student; and
✧ where the committee considers that the student should be placed in a special education class, the reasons for that decision.

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