Page 107 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
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Draft PART D: The Identification, Placement, and Review Committee (IPRC) Process Requesting an IPRC Meeting
Once a child has been enrolled in school, the parents have the right to request that the principal refer their child to an IPRC.
According to the regulation, the principal of the student’s school:
• must refer the student to an IPRC upon receiving a written request from the parent;
• may, with written notice to the parent, refer the student to an IPRC. (See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 14(1))
If a parent makes a written request for an IPRC, the principal must follow the school board procedure in arranging for the IPRC meeting. Neither the board nor the principal can refuse the request.
Within fifteen days of receiving a written request from the parent,
or giving the parent notice of a referral, the principal must provide to the parent:
• an acknowledgement of the parent’s request (if the IPRC is being convened at parental request);
• a copy of the school board’s special education guide for parents;
• a written statement indicating approximately when the IPRC will meet.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, subsection 14(6))
Note: Upon request, communication with the parent or student about the IPRC meeting and its results must be provided in Braille, large-print, or audio format.
(See Ontario Regulation 181/98, section 4)
Once the request for an IPRC has been made by either the principal or the parent, or by both of these parties, the principal must follow the school board procedure in arranging for an IPRC meeting.
Considerations Related to Students Who Are Moving from a
Demonstration School to a School of a Board
If a decision is made by the parents and a Demonstration School to move a student from the Demonstration School to a school of a board, the super- intendent of the Demonstration School must notify the school board as

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