Page 101 - Special Education in Ontario, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Resource Guide
P. 101

Draft Part C: Early Identification, Assessment, and Transition Planning
  student is expected to leave school – for the student to attain his or her goals. The integrated transition plan has the same components as the transition plan that is developed as part of the IEP process. These components are described above, in the Introduction of the Transition Planning section, and in greater detail in section 8 in Part E of this guide.
Integrating Planning Processes
Depending on the needs and the profile of the individual student, several different plans are often required to ensure that the student fully benefits from school programs and makes a successful transition into adult life.
If these plans are developed separately, there is a risk of considerable duplication of effort and an even greater risk that the plans will contradict each other. It is therefore recommended that school boards and school principals develop procedures to integrate planning for students with special education needs. For example, a student’s various plans might be coordinated by a team of core participants at a multipurpose planning meeting scheduled for the start of each semester or school year. It is also important to note that integrated planning must observe all regulatory or policy requirements governing individual plans.
The IPRC statement of decision, where available, provides a starting point for integrated planning, in that it identifies the student’s strengths and needs and may make program and service recommendations, all of which must be taken into consideration when developing the IEP and other plans.
The following sections review some of the plans that a student may have, and identify potential areas of overlap among the plans.
The Individual Education Plan (IEP) and the Transition Plan
The regulatory requirement that the transition plan be a part of the student’s IEP leaves to the discretion of the school board or school the extent to which these two plans are integrated. The components of the transition plan may be:
• collected in a separate section of the IEP; or
• collected in a distinct document appended to the IEP.

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