Page 59 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 59

 Grade 10, Open
 B5. ComputerProgramming
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
B4.3 use software support systems to find techni- cal information independently (e.g., help menu, online help, manuals);
B4.4 use utility software to perform basic mainte- nance functions (e.g., defragment a disk drive, undelete a file, determine available space on a storage device, restore a file from a backup).
By the end of this course, students will:
B5.1 use a procedural programming language to define constants and variables, write expressions and assignment statements, and specify the order in which the operations are performed in a program;
B5.2 use input and output statements in a pro- gram (e.g., input a name and display it onscreen);
B5.3 use a decision structure and a repetition structure in a program (e.g., determine if a user is old enough to drive, run a high-low guessing game, count from a starting value to an end value);
B5.4 use a design process (see pp. 18–19) to plan, write, and test a computer program to control a simple robot or peripheral device (e.g., servo motor, LED display).

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