Page 51 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
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  A1. demonstrate an understanding of the core concepts, techniques, and skills required to produce a range of communications media products or services;
A2. demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology, basic scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in communications technology and apply them to the creation of media products;
A3. demonstrate an understanding of and apply the interpersonal and communication skills necessary to work effectively in a team setting.
  A1. CoreConcepts,Techniques, and Skills
A2. Technical Terminology and Scientific and Mathematical Concepts
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 describe the elements of the universal com- munications model (e.g., message, sender, mode of transmission, receiver);
A1.2 demonstrate an understanding of design elements (e.g., line, form, colour, texture, space) and principles (e.g., balance, rhythm, proportion, contrast, flow);
A1.3 demonstrate an understanding of production processes and workflows (e.g., subject/location selection, lighting set-up, shooting, digital imaging, and digital editing in audio/video and photogra- phy; layout, pre-press, presswork, and binding in publishing; site design, page layout, content develop- ment, and testing in web design);
A1.4 identify different types of communications technology devices and their components (e.g., cameras and accessories, lighting equipment, audio and video recorders, audio mixers, scanners, printing
equipment), and explain how they are used to produce communications products and services;
A1.5 identify different types of communications software used to create communications tech- nology products and services (e.g., software for photo, audio, and video editing, animation, page layout, web page creation, and computer graphics) and describe how they are used.
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 demonstrate an understanding of communi- cations technology terms, and use them correctly in oral and written communication (e.g., compo- sition, contrast, scene, typography, layout, story- board, clip, fade, dissolve, levels, layers, SFX, filters, timeline, site map, navigation);
A2.2 demonstrate an understanding of basic sci- entific concepts that relate to processes and technologies used in communications tech- nology (e.g., optical principles related to use of cameras and lighting, electronic concepts related to sound recording, principles of digitization and their application to digital imaging and recording);
A2.3 apply mathematical concepts and formulas as required to complete communications tech- nology tasks (e.g., calculation of lighting ratios and exposures in photography and videography, timing of sequences in audio and video editing, cal- culation of paper and ink requirements in printing, determination of image resolution requirements
for printing versus Internet use, calculation of file size).
By the end of this course, students will:

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