Page 29 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
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THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9 AND 10 | Technological Education
Some of the teaching and learning strategies that are suitable to material taught in techno- logical education employ scaffolding. Scaffolding is an instructional approach that involves breaking down tasks so that students can concentrate on specific, manageable objectives and gradually build understanding and skill, with the aid of modelling by the teacher and ample opportunity for practice. Scaffolding provides students with a supportive structure within which to learn.
Some of the concepts taught in technological education involve abstract thinking, which can be difficult for many students. Role playing is an approach teachers can employ to help students internalize new concepts. Learning processes that include opportunities for physical activity by students can lead to better understanding and longer retention of concepts. The use of kinesthetic learning can be an effective way to adapt technological education to the varied learning styles that students may demonstrate.
When students work collaboratively they often accomplish more than when they work individually. Group activities, when used in a structured way, can enhance learning and foster positive attitudes. When working in a team, each student should have a specific role and be actively involved in the task. It is important to give students opportunities to take on different roles, from one project to another or in the course of a large project.
Students’ attitudes towards technological education can have a significant effect on their achievement of expectations. Teaching methods and learning activities that encourage students to recognize the value and relevance of what they are learning for work and their lives beyond school will go a long way towards motivating students to work and learn effectively.
The study of current events related to technologies in various industries, including emerging technologies, should inform the technological education curriculum, enhancing both the relevance and the immediacy of the program. Discussion of current events relat- ed to various technologies and inclusion of these topics in daily lessons will stimulate stu- dents’ interest and curiosity and also help them connect what they are learning in class with real-world events or situations. The study of events in industry sectors and techno- logical developments in the world needs to be thought of not as a separate topic removed from the program but as an effective instructional strategy for implementing many of the expectations found in the curriculum.
Health and safety is of paramount importance in technological education. In every course, students must be made aware that health and safety is everyone’s responsibility – at home, at school, and in the workplace. Before using any piece of equipment or any
tool, students must be able to demonstrate knowledge of how the equipment or tool works and of the procedures they must follow to ensure its safe use. Personal protective gear must be worn as required.

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