Page 18 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 9 and 10: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 18

Learning through problem solving will help students appreciate that all challenges – whether large or small, complex or simple – are most effectively resolved when approached systematically, using a simple method or a more comprehensive process, depending on the nature of the problem.
The range of challenges students encounter in technological education is wide and var- ied. At one end are simple problems for which there is likely to be only one solution – for example, substituting a part to fix an obvious fault. At the other end are complex challenges – for example, devising a solution to an identified human need – for which there could be various different solutions and which call for a detailed process that may involve consultations with stakeholders to clearly define the problem and determine cri- teria for its solution, and the design and testing of several potential solutions. In many cases, the nature of the problem, and the problem-solving process required to solve it, fall somewhere between these two extremes.
Technological education teachers can guide students through problem solving by helping them understand the nature and scope of a problem and the type of approach or method best suited to address it. They can also remind students that there is often more than one solution, give them the freedom to explore ideas, and encourage them to retrace steps and persist in their efforts when they encounter obstacles.
Problem-Solving Methods and Approaches
Problem-solving processes share at least some of a number of systematic steps – for example, identifying the problem, analysing the situation, considering possible solu- tions, selecting the best solution, testing and evaluating the effectiveness of the solution, and reviewing or repeating steps as necessary to improve the solution. Among the vari- ous problem-solving methods and approaches that may be employed to address the range of problems students will encounter in technological education are those listed below. This list is not comprehensive, and may be supplemented by various other meth- ods in the classroom.
Parts Substitution
Perhaps the most basic of all the problem-solving methods, “parts substitution” simply requires that parts be substituted until the problem is solved. Although it is not the most scientific method of problem solving, there may be no other alternative if tests do not indicate what could be causing the problem.
An example of a diagnostic problem-solving method is troubleshooting an engine fault in an automobile. After identifying the general problem, the technician would run tests to pinpoint the fault. The test results would be used either as a guide for further testing or for replacement of a part, which would also need to be tested. This process continues until the solution is found and the car is running properly.
Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering is the process of discovering the technological principles underlying the design of a device by taking the device apart, or carefully tracing its workings or its circuitry. It is useful when students are attempting to build something for which they have no formal drawings or schematics.

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