Page 78 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 78

By the end of this course, students will:
 A1. describe how computer components function, and discuss trends in the development of computer hardware;
A2. describe the functions of BIOSes and operating systems, and how they interact with each other and with computer hardware;
A3. describe the function of electronic components and the use of these components in control systems and other circuits, and calculate values for circuit components;
A4. describe network concepts, services, and security;
A5. demonstrate an understanding of the use of binary numbers, hexadecimal numbers, and Boolean algebra in computer logic and data processing.
A1. Computer Hardware
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 describe how the internal components of a computer function (e.g., CPU, mainboard, disk drives, RAM, chipset, video card, sound card, expansion slot);
A1.2 describe various standards for connecting computer components (e.g., parallel port, RS-232, USB, IEEE 1394, VGA, DVI);
A1.3 describe trends in the development of computer hardware (e.g., size, cost, and speed of processors, memory, and hard drives; video resolution; capacity of optical disks).
A2. Computer Systems
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 describe the essential functions and other features of various operating systems (e.g., func- tions: management of resources, files, processes, and applications; features: services, usability, performance, applications such as text editor, web browser, or media player);
A2.2 describe changes that may be required when upgrading hardware components or features
of a computer system (e.g., BIOS updates, instal- lation of drivers for new hardware, resolution of compatibility issues);
A2.3 describe the essential functions performed by the BIOS firmware in computer systems (e.g., POST [power on self test], boot sequence, hardware recognition, detection of master boot record);
A2.4 describe how the BIOS, hardware, and oper- ating system of a computer interact.
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 identify and describe the functions of electronic components (e.g., resistor, capacitor, diode, LED);
A3.2 describe the function of electrical devices used in control systems (e.g., stepper motor, direct-current motor, touch sensor, accelerometer, optical sensor, power supply);
A3.3 calculate the values of components in electronic circuits using fundamental laws (e.g., Ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s laws);
A3.4 explain the importance of advances in elec- tronics (e.g., compare size, cost, and performance of vacuum tubes, transistors, and integrated circuits);
  A3. Electronics,Robotics,and Computer Interfacing
Computer Engineering Technology

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