Page 68 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 68

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. demonstrate an understanding of and apply safe work practices when performing communications technology tasks;
D2. demonstrate an understanding of and adhere to legal requirements and ethical practices relating to the communications technology industry;
D3. demonstrate an understanding of career opportunities and career development in a rapidly changing technological environment, and maintain a portfolio of their work as evidence of their qualifications for future education and employment.
D1. Health and Safety
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 describe industry hazards (e.g., ergonomic, mechanical, electrical, and chemical hazards), identify sources of hazard information (e.g., Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System [WHMIS], Passport to Safety), and describe methods of preventing accidents (e.g., safety audits, regular safety training);
D1.2 demonstrate an understanding of and apply safe work practices (e.g., using ergonomically designed equipment and work areas, keeping equipment in proper working order, maintaining a well-organized workplace, using lockout proce- dures when installing or maintaining equipment, wearing gloves when handling hot lights, using
a spotter when climbing ladders, keeping liquids away from electronic equipment) when perform- ing communications technology procedures.
D2. Professional Standards and Ethics
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe various ways in which ownership may exist and be protected in creative, intellec- tual, or artistic works (e.g., copyright, trademarks, patents);
D2.2 use appropriate methods to reference the words, ideas, information, research, or findings of others (e.g., footnotes, endnotes, parenthetical references, bibliographies, credit lists, acknowl- edgements, permission lists).
D3. Career Opportunities
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 describe career opportunities in existing, converging, and emerging communications technologies (e.g., digital imaging, interactive game development, graphic arts, web/interactive media design, audio/video production);
D3.2 describe the effects of rapidly changing technology on employment opportunities in communications technology;
D3.3 identify professional organizations associated with the various communications technology fields (e.g., TV, video, and movie production; radio; audio and sound production; print and graphic communications; photography and digital imaging; broadcast journalism; interactive new media), and describe their role in professional support and development;
D3.4 explain the need for lifelong learning in the communications technology industry;
D3.5 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the Essential Skills that are important for success in the communications technology industry, as iden- tified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., reading text, computer use, oral communication, thinking skills);
D3.6 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the work habits that are important for success in the communications technology industry, as iden- tified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., working safely, teamwork, reliability, initiative, customer service, entrepreneurship);
Communications Technology

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