Page 64 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 64

By the end of this course, students will:
 A1. demonstrate an understanding of advanced concepts, techniques, and skills required to produce a range of communications media products and services;
A2. describe different types of equipment and software and explain how they are used in creating communications media products;
A3. demonstrate an understanding of technical terminology, scientific concepts, and mathematical concepts used in communications technology, and apply them to the creation of media products;
A4. demonstrate an understanding of and apply the interpersonal and communications skills necessary to work in a team environment.
By the end of this course, students will:
A1.1 demonstrate an understanding of advanced concepts (e.g., floor direction, broadcast script writ- ing, foley and soundtrack production, high dynamic range photography, advanced studio lighting) and creative and production techniques (e.g., pre-press workflow, image optimization, photo workflow, streaming media production) used to produce a range of communications products or services;
A1.2 describe the characteristics of interfaces
(e.g., USB, IEEE 1394, optical connector) used
to connect components of a communications system (e.g., video or digital cameras to computers, computers to printers, microphones to sound mix- ing and processing equipment);
A1.3 operate communications technology equip- ment and devices correctly and use software applications effectively to perform a variety of production tasks (e.g., select appropriate formats and aspect ratios for video productions; control digital video and audio equipment such as video monitors, cameras, DVD recorders, scanners, microphones, and computers).
A2. Equipment and Software
By the end of this course, students will:
A2.1 describe different types of communications devices and their components (e.g., cameras, lighting equipment, audio and video recorders, audio mixers, scanners, printing equipment) and explain how they are used to produce commu- nications products and services;
A2.2 demonstrate a thorough understanding of different types of communications software (e.g., software for photo, audio, and video editing, animation, page layout, web page creation, and computer graphics) and their application in the production of various communications products.
By the end of this course, students will:
A3.1 demonstrate an understanding of communi- cations technology terms, and use them correctly in oral and written communication (e.g., kerning, framing, key frame, jump cut, peaking, video switch- ing, audio levels, dissolve, signals, layers, vector, file formats, proofs, file management and compres- sion, headroom, noseroom, voice-overs);
  A1. CoreConcepts,Techniques, and Skills
  A3. TechnicalTerminologyandScientific and Mathematical Concepts
Communications Technology

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