Page 347 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 347

 Grade 12, University/College Preparation
 C1. demonstrate an understanding of environmentally responsible design practices, and apply them in the technological design process and related activities;
C2. analyse the relationship between society and technological development.
  C1. TechnologyandtheEnvironment C2. TechnologyandSociety
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 identify and analyse environmental effects of a particular industry or technological system (e.g., mass transit system, strip mining, sewer system), and recommend practices that are eco- nomically and environmentally sustainable;
C1.2 describe ways in which environmental issues influence the design of products and/or processes;
C1.3 describe, advocate for, and apply best prac- tices for conserving energy and other resources when designing a product or process (e.g., reuse or recycle lumber and other materials; use materials with recycled content; use wood glue instead of hot glue; use renewable energy sources, high-efficiency motors and appliances, and passive heating and cooling of buildings);
C1.4 describe ways to reduce the waste produced by the manufacture and use of products (e.g., cutting patterns that minimize leftover materials, use of materials that are easily recycled, energy- management controls in electronic equipment), and apply such practices when developing and building prototypes.
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 independently research and report on politi- cal, economic, cultural, and/or environmental issues that affected technological innovations in the past (e.g., traffic congestion spurred develop- ment of compact vehicles, increasing population density led to the construction of taller buildings);
C2.2 describe examples of how culture, econom- ics, and politics could influence the future design of products and/or processes (e.g., envi- ronmental awareness and rising costs for fossil fuels could increase the development and use of alternative energy sources);
C2.3 describe how technological change affects society (e.g., developments in telecommunications, health care, and robotics).

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