Page 344 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 344

 guidelines provided by the American National Standards Institute [ANSI] and the American Society of Mechanical Engineers [ASME]);
A3.3 accurately interpret technical references, drawings, test data, and specifications.
By the end of this course, students will:
A4.1 compare a variety of types of models and prototypes (e.g., models: conceptual, physical, virtual, theoretical; prototypes: proof-of-principle, functional, form study) and modelling tools, equipment, materials, and procedures (e.g., tools: foam-injection moulding machine; rapid prototyper; computer-aided mill, lathe, or sewing machine; materials: metals, thermoplastics, neoprene) in terms of suitability, time, budget, and availability;
A4.2 identify and compare tools and equipment used to assess models and/or modelling processes (e.g., three-dimensional coordinate measuring machine, decibel meter, height gauge, compression tester);
A4.3 describe criteria for assessing models (e.g., functionality, size, weight, durability, mechanical and physical features) and modelling processes (e.g., material costs, assembly time, waste produced) for a given project.
A5. Reporting and Presenting
By the end of this course, students will:
A5.1 use technical terminology correctly when documenting design projects, reporting and presenting results, and marketing designs (e.g., vernier caliper, scale versus ruler, shears versus scissors, geometries versus shapes);
A5.2 describe and compare formats and tools for documenting, reporting, presenting, and mar- keting design ideas and results throughout
the design process (e.g., formats: oral or written presentation, multimedia production, theatrical presentation, role play; tools: multimedia software, display board, image board [lifestyle, mood, styling, usage]);
A5.3 describe and compare various reporting styles and formats (e.g., styles: American Psychological Association [APA], Modern Language Association [MLA]; formats: portfolio, technical report, critique).
  A4. Making and Testing Models and Prototypes
Technological Design

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