Page 274 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 274

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. demonstrate technical proficiency in the use and maintenance of tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector of the tourism industry;
B2. plan and prepare menus, demonstrating a level of competence in food handling, preparation, and presentation that meets professional standards;
B3. demonstrate an understanding of appropriate procedures to follow in the planning and delivery of an event or activity.
B1. UsingToolsandEquipment
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 demonstrate proficiency when using a vari- ety of tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector (e.g., electric mixers, ovens, knives);
B1.2 use a variety of measuring tools to accurately determine, in metric, US customary, or British imperial units as appropriate, the weight and/or volume of ingredients for meal prepara- tion and, in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, the cooking temperature required;
B1.3 maintain tools and equipment related to the food and beverage services sector in a profes- sional manner (e.g., keep knives sharp, keep work- stations clean and organized, store tools properly).
B2. FoodPreparationandPresentation
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 apply Health Protection and Promotion Act (HPPA) standards in handling, storing, and preparing food products (e.g., cook and/or store food at the proper tempurature; apply the“first in, first out”[FIFO] method in selecting ingredients);
B2.2 perform accurate conversions and calcula- tions of yield (i.e., the number of persons who can be served) for various types of recipes, using metric, US customary, or British imperial units as appropriate;
B2.3 perform accurate calculations of yield as it relates to “as raw product purchased” and
“edible portion”, and explain how the relation- ship between the two calculations affects cost and profitability;
B2.4 prepare a variety of food products (e.g., appetizer, main course, dessert, hot and cold beverages) according to recipe specifications;
B2.5 prepare a variety of international recipes in accordance with the culinary traditions of vari- ous cultures (e.g., Aboriginal, Thai, French, Italian);
B2.6 prepare complex recipes accurately using readily available ingredients;
B2.7 present food products appropriately for a variety of purposes (e.g., buffet, à la carte);
B2.8 set a table in a professional and creative manner (e.g., paying attention to the choice and arrangement of utensils and glassware, the design of the centrepiece, the way napkins are folded)
to suit the circumstances (e.g., fine dining, wedding, banquet);
B2.9 demonstrate the use of professional waiting techniques when serving beverages (e.g., taking and delivering orders, providing tea and coffee service, serving and clearing from the right).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 create an action plan for an event or activity and outline the designated role of each partici- pant in the staging of the event or activity;
    B3. PlanningandDeliveringan Event or Activity
Hospitality and Tourism

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