Page 239 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 239

 Grade 12, College Preparation
 D1. demonstrate an understanding of and comply with laws, regulations, and guidelines related to the health, safety, and care of children and older adults;
D2. describe careers in child care, geriatric care, and related fields, as well as the education and/or training requirements for them.
  D1. HealthandSafety D2. CareerOpportunities
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 identify and describe laws, regulations, and guidelines related to the health and safety of children and older adults (e.g., car seat regula- tions, Daycare and Nursery Act, senior driver’s licence requirements, accessible parking permit, Long Term Care Act, Patient Bill of Rights);
D1.2 identify health and safety standards in workplaces involving child care and geriatric care (e.g., appropriate safety protocols, including clear walkways, proper lighting, immunization requirements);
D1.3 identify laws, regulations, and guidelines that relate to various aspects of the lives of children and older adults (e.g., custody arrange- ments, living wills/power of attorney, Personal Health Information Act [PHIA], confidentiality and privacy laws);
D1.4 identify, on the basis of research, hazards that can affect the safety of children and older adults (e.g., absence of fire extinguishers and/or fire alarms, lack of information about food or med- ication allergies, improper household chemical
storage, extreme water temperatures);
D1.5 explain the importance of proper labelling of hazardous materials (e.g., to protect against ingestion of hazardous products).
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 research and describe careers in child care (e.g., Early Childhood Educator) and gerontology (e.g., Recreational/Activation Therapist), and out- line related education and training requirements;
D2.2 research and identify occupations that are concerned with products and services for helping children and older adults (e.g., video or Internet access to day-care centres, phone access for the hearing impaired, motorized wheelchairs/scooters);
D2.3 describe how technological advances have affected employment opportunities in child care and gerontology (e.g., advances in medical tech- nology such as continuous positive airway pressure [CPAP] respirators, which allow patients to stay at home rather than be hospitalized, have resulted in an increase in home-care jobs);
D2.4 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the Essential Skills that are important for suc- cess in the health care industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., computer use, data analysis, job task planning and organizing);
D2.5 demonstrate an understanding of and apply the work habits that are important for success in the health care industry, as identified in the Ontario Skills Passport (e.g., teamwork, organiza- tion, self-advocacy);
D2.6 maintain an up-to-date portfolio that includes pieces of work and other materials that provide evidence of their skills and achievements in child and geriatric care (e.g., Passport to Safety certifi- cate, reports, assignments, Ontario Skills Passport Work Plan and Transition Plan), and explain why having a current portfolio is important for career development and advancement.

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