Page 213 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 213

 Grade 11, College Preparation
 B1. use health care instruments, equipment, and materials safely and correctly;
B2. demonstrate the ability to use vital signs to determine a client’s health status;
B3. demonstrate the ability to apply health care skills and techniques safely and to industry standards;
B4. demonstrate the ability to apply a variety of techniques for communicating with clients and collecting client information.
 B1. Instruments,Equipment,and Materials
 B2. VitalSigns
B3. SkillsandTechniques
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify common medical instruments (e.g., sphygmomanometer, forceps, double-ended explor- er), equipment (e.g., Hoyer lift, intravenous [IV] pole, weigh scales, microscope, mouth mirror), and materials (e.g., wound dressings, bed linens and lift sheets, gloves, protective gowns, eye shields), and use them safely and correctly;
B1.2 disinfect instruments, equipment, materials, and surfaces, using accepted medical aseptic procedures, to prevent the spread of infection;
B1.3 prepare, clean, and store instruments and equipment correctly, following standard indus- try procedures (e.g., calibrate sphygmomanometer correctly prior to use, prepare instruments for auto- claving, clean pill cutter before and after use).
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 demonstrate the ability to use equipment to measure vital signs (temperature, pulse, respi- ration, and blood pressure);
B2.2 assess and document a client’s vital signs: temperature (by oral, axillary, and tympanic routes); pulse rate (rhythm and volume by api- cal and radial sites); respiration rate (rhythm and character); and blood pressure;
B2.3 identify normal values for temperature, pulse, respiration, and blood pressure across the lifespan, and assess possible health implica- tions of abnormal values (e.g., elevated tempera- ture suggests a possible infection; an elevated blood pressure reading may be an early indication of hypertension).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 demonstrate an understanding of correct hand hygiene procedures (e.g., knowing when they are required, knowing when to use hand washing rather than antibacterial sanitizers), and apply as required;
B3.2 perform common caregiving skills and tech- niques (e.g., bed making, bed bathing, feeding, toi- leting, oral care, weighing) safely and correctly, using baby and/or adult mannequins;
B3.3 perform mobility techniques (e.g., turning, lifting, and transferring clients; using crutches or walkers and instructing clients in their use) safely and correctly;
B3.4 perform a range of motion and positioning techniques safely and correctly to prevent the development of decubitus ulcers and contrac- tures in clients;
B3.5 demonstrate an understanding of (e.g., through role play) and apply health and safety procedures relating to proper body mechanics and ergonomics (e.g., base of support, good body posture);
By the end of this course, students will:

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