Page 172 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 172

 A3.2 explain advanced systems, processes, and techniques relating to the propagation, mainten- ance, and care of plants or animals (e.g., irrigation systems, tree support and protection systems, plan- tation tending, prescribed burning, regeneration);
A3.3 evaluate the appropriateness and effective- ness of a management process (e.g., environ- mental impact assessment, tree or crop loss assess- ment, herd health evaluation, growth and yield monitoring);
A3.4 describe how advanced technologies and sci- entific knowledge are being applied to processes in the green industries (e.g., geographical infor- mation systems, global positioning devices, three- dimensional CAD applications, aerial and satellite images, computerized feeding systems, computerized inventory systems, genetic modification), and assess their impacts.
By the end of this course, students will:
A4.1 demonstrate an understanding of terminology used in the green industries and use it correctly in oral and written communication (e.g., biodiver- sity, tendril, balance, pergola, tilth);
A4.2 apply effective documentation practices to a variety of procedures related to green industry operations (e.g., record data from timber cruises; maintain production and maintenance records; document Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point [HACCP] activities; prepare inventories, esti- mates, and invoices);
A4.3 interpret charts, graphs, aerial photographs, maps, and other visual presentations of informa- tion used in the green industries;
A4.4 analyse commercial or technical issues of current significance in the green industries, using information from media and industry sources (e.g., marketing boards, industry organizations, commodity websites, trade publications, news reports);
A4.5 accurately perform complex measurements and calculations required for advanced applica- tions in the green industries (e.g., basal area prism sweeps, pricing, surveys, economic forecasts, grade and slope measurements).
 A4. Technological and Mathematical Literacy and Communication Skills
Green Industries

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