Page 166 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 166

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. demonstrate an understanding of and apply design and production practices that are commonly used in the green industries;
B2. apply management strategies for assessing and controlling biotic and abiotic factors that affect plant and/or animal quality;
B3. demonstrate competence in technical skills relating to specific applications and tasks in the green industries.
B1. DesignandProduction
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 implement a production process or procedures according to a design or plan (e.g., harvest a crop, construct a landscape, grow and cultivate plants, make floral arrangements);
B1.2 demonstrate an understanding of and apply techniques for the propagation and care of plants and animals and for ensuring the quality of products derived from them (e.g., plant/tree regeneration, animal reproduction, cut flower pro- cessing, crop production, tree planting);
B1.3 demonstrate an understanding of and apply techniques and processes that promote biodiver- sity, increase ecosystem function, and reduce maintenance requirements (e.g., planting of native species, mulching, naturalizing gardens, using local cut flowers);
B1.4 demonstrate an understanding of and apply marketing techniques that are commonly used in the green industries (e.g., creation of product displays, posters, and pamphlets).
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 apply a variety of methods to monitor biotic factors that affect plant and/or animal quality (e.g., pest scouting, regular health inspections of animals, weed identification, post-harvest tracking of product freshness and quality);
B2.2 apply a variety of methods to monitor abiotic factors that affect plant and/or animal quality (e.g., nutrient balancing, soil testing, monitoring indoor and outdoor environmental conditions);
B2.3 apply a variety of pest and disease control techniques (e.g., crop rotation, greenhouse sanita- tion, enhancement of natural barriers, disinfection of equipment).
B3. TechnicalSkills
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 demonstrate competence in the basic technical skills required to complete a variety of tasks in the green industries (e.g., rigging loads, operating power tools, wiring and taping flowers, using a guillotine cutter to cut natural and manufactured products, applying pesticide);
B3.2 construct a variety of structures or products that are used or produced in the green industries (e.g., planter boxes, scaffolding, seasonal crafts, pavers, fences, skid trails);
B3.3 demonstrate competence in related technical skills (e.g., welding, small-engine maintenance, use of computer applications, use of GPS equipment) that are required to complete a variety of green industry projects.
    B2. PlantandAnimalManagement Strategies
Green Industries

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