Page 160 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 160

By the end of this course, students will:
C1. TechnologyandtheEnvironment
By the end of this course, students will:
C1.1 demonstrate an understanding of ecological relationships and processes (e.g., food webs, sym- biotic relationships, ecological succession, nutrient flows and cycles, habitat and species diversity) that can affect or be affected by green industry operations;
C1.2 analyse the effects of green industry activi- ties on the environment in the past and in the present (e.g., logging practices, irrigation, fertiliza- tion, pest control, nutrient and waste management);
C1.3 assess the advantages and disadvantages of using natural rather than manufactured materi- als or products in green industry activities (e.g., natural fertilizers and pest control methods rather than chemical fertilizers and pesticides, real flowers rather than artificial flowers, real grass rather than artificial turf, untreated rather than pressure-treated lumber);
C1.4 identify sustainable practices and guidelines that are currently applied within the green industries or may be applied in the future (e.g., environmental farm planning, integrated pest man- agement, xeriscaping, forest regeneration, low-till cultivation);
C1.5 explain the environmental implications
(e.g., effects on landfill lifespan and water and air quality) of using particular materials, products, processes, and disposal methods (e.g., recycling, reusing, composting, growing genetically modified crops, organic farming, various disposal methods for invasive plants).
C2. TechnologyandSociety
By the end of this course, students will:
C2.1 describe linkages between local communities and economies and the green industries (e.g., consumer needs and green industry goods and services, green industries as sources of jobs and
tax revenues, communities as providers of services to green industries and as regulators of green industry activities);
C2.2 analyse societal issues relating to the green industries, and identify ways of resolving them, taking a variety of perspectives into account (e.g., effects on Aboriginal hunting and harvesting territories, land use conflicts such as parkland ver- sus commercial development, property rights and municipal landscape management, animal welfare, rights of migrant workers, fair trade concerns relat- ing to imported agricultural or floral products, fuel ethanol versus food production).
 C1. analyse the impact of the green industries on the environment and describe ways of minimizing harmful effects;
C2. analyse social and economic relationships and issues involving the green industries.
Green Industries

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