Page 139 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 139

 Grade 12, Workplace Preparation
 B1. apply a design process and/or other problem-solving methods as appropriate when planning a variety of residential and/or light construction projects, and demonstrate an understanding of the design considerations for these projects;
B2. create and interpret working drawings for residential and/or light commercial construction projects;
B3. apply accurate technical data and relevant building codes, regulations, and standards when
planning and developing construction projects;
B4. plan and lay out systems for residential and/or light commercial buildings.
  B1. DesignandPlanning B2. WorkingDrawings
 B3. Codes,Regulations,andStandards
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 apply the steps of a design process and/or other problem-solving techniques (see pp. 21–23) to solve a variety of construction technology challenges or problems;
B1.2 identify the factors that affect site layout and preparation, and allow for these factors when planning and designing construction projects;
B1.3 compare design considerations for a residen- tial property with those for a light commercial property (e.g., client needs and budget; location, type, and use of building; connection to utilities; zoning restrictions, codes, regulations, and standards; barrier-free access; aesthetics; energy efficiency);
B1.4 explain how the design process is used in the construction industry (e.g., with respect to precast concrete, prefabricated components, interior and exterior finishes);
B1.5 apply design principles when designing aspects of construction projects (e.g., kitchen, electrical, mechanical, and plumbing layout; means of egress; customer traffic flow; display space), and describe how various systems are integrated into the overall design;
B1.6 create and/or modify the design of a system for a construction project (e.g., water supply and drains, roof structure and membrane, furnace and ductwork, control circuit using relay logic and/or a programmable logic controller).
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 produce sketches and/or working drawings with manual and/or computer-assisted methods (e.g., electrical riser diagram, stack elevation draw- ing, wall section), using appropriate metric and/or imperial units;
B2.2 use working drawings to help plan the sequence of tasks for completing a construction project (e.g., excavation, footings, foundation walls, framing, sheathing, rough-in of mechanical systems, drywalling, installation of devices and fixtures);
B2.3 interpret working drawings to accurately lay out construction projects (e.g., determine dimen- sions and placement of footings, columns, openings, and beams; determine specified materials, size and type of windows and doors, masonry bond pattern, and locations of electrical, mechanical, and plumb- ing components).
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 outline the building code requirements for forces and stresses due to loads and weather conditions (e.g., heat, cold, wind, snow, rain) that structural members (e.g., footings, foundations, floors, bearing walls, roofs, columns, beams, lintels) must be designed to withstand;
By the end of this course, students will:

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