Page 111 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 111

 Grade 11, College Preparation
 D1. demonstrate an understanding of the environmental effects of construction projects, and ways of reducing harmful effects;
D2. describe how society and the construction industry affect each other.
  D1. Technology and the Environment D2. Technology and Society
By the end of this course, students will:
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 plan projects and processes to minimize waste (e.g., use efficient cutting patterns, reuse and recycle leftover materials);
D1.2 identify and describe environmentally friendly building practices (e.g., high-efficiency heating and cooling, renewable energy technologies, reuse of grey water, use of materials produced from sustainable resources);
D1.3 describe the environmental effects of using natural and manufactured construction materi- als (e.g., energy use, release of toxic chemicals, disposal of manufacturing and construction waste, effects on water supply and quality);
D1.4 describe ways of reducing and/or managing energy consumption in the home (e.g., smart meters, energy-efficient lighting, timers, heat- recovery ventilators);
D1.5 describe the life cycle of a construction product (e.g., manufacture; installation; reuse, recycling, or disposal).
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe the economic and social effects of the construction industry (e.g., land use, creation of primary and secondary jobs, transportation of equipment and materials; encroachment on Aboriginal lands);
D2.2 describe factors affecting the quality of life of the occupants of residential buildings (e.g., air quality; allergens; access to schools, transit, and health care);
D2.3 describe how societal and client needs
(e.g., budget constraints, barrier-free access, energy efficiency, cultural practices) affect construction projects.

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