Page 108 - The Ontario Curriculum, Grades 11 and 12: Technological Education, 2009 (revised)
P. 108

By the end of this course, students will:
 B1. apply a design process and other problem-solving processes and techniques as appropriate to develop solutions for construction problems or challenges;
B2. create and use working drawings for a variety of residential construction projects;
B3. determine, use, and communicate accurate technical data in the design of construction projects;
B4. use the mathematical skills required in designing, laying out, and preparing estimates for construction projects.
B1. DesignandPlanning
By the end of this course, students will:
B1.1 identify the steps of a design process (see
pp. 22–23), and describe how the design process is used in the construction industry (e.g., prepar- ing floor plans, designing prefabricated components; in urban planning);
B1.2 use appropriate problem-solving processes and techniques (see pp. 21–23) to address chal- lenges related to various residential construction projects (e.g., house, cottage, shed, renovation);
B1.3 use models, prototypes, and/or sketches to aid in improving the design of construction projects;
B1.4 apply design principles (e.g., scale, proportion, contrast) when designing systems in construction projects (e.g., placement of electrical and plumbing fixtures).
B2. TechnicalDrawings
By the end of this course, students will:
B2.1 identify the symbols, abbreviations, hatchings, and other conventions used in various types
of drawings of residential buildings (e.g., layout, foundation, floor plan, elevation, cross-section, detail, electrical system, mechanical system);
B2.2 interpret technical drawings and specifications to accurately plan and lay out residential con- struction projects (e.g., determine dimensions,
materials required, windows and door types, and locations of electrical devices and plumbing fixtures);
B2.3 modify and/or create hand-drafted and/or computer-assisted technical drawings (e.g., orthographic, isometric, plan, elevation, plumbing, cross-section), using appropriate metric and/or imperial units.
B3. UsingTechnicalData
By the end of this course, students will:
B3.1 use appropriate sources to determine the technical requirements for residential construc- tion projects (e.g., technical charts and tables, engineering reports, building codes and regulations, standards, municipal by-laws);
B3.2 identify and describe the types of loads (e.g., live, dead) that building codes require residential structural members (e.g., footings, foundations, floors, bearing walls, roofs, columns, beams, lintels) to withstand;
B3.3 communicate accurate technical information verbally and graphically (e.g., through written instructions, sketches, and/or detail drawings).
B4. MathematicalSkills
By the end of this course, students will:
B4.1 determine dimensions and lay out construc- tion projects using mathematical principles and formulas (e.g., Pythagorean theorem, volume and area formulas);
Construction Engineering Technology

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