Page 20 - Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools: A Resource Guide
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        Glossary 5
Agreement on Internal Trade (AIT). A national agreement between the federal government and Canadian provinces and territories intended to make it easier for people, investments, goods, and services to move across Canada. In 2009, Canada and the provinces and territories endorsed amendments to Chapter 7 (Labour Mobility) that require “certificate for certificate” mobility for any worker. The Ontario Labour Mobility Act, 2009 (OLMA), implements Ontario’s obligations under the AIT.
emergency provision. A provision under Regulation 298 that allows a school board to appoint a person for up to ten days from the date of appointment if no certified teacher is available for a teaching position. Because such assignments are of short duration, they do not require school boards to request a Letter of Permission from the Minister.
general education. The subjects in the curriculum for the intermediate and senior divisions, as described in the Ontario secondary school curriculum documents (available on the Ministry of Education website), excluding the subjects described in the technological education curriculum.
General Certificate of Qualification and Registration. The certificate issued
by the Ontario College of Teachers under O. Reg. 176/10 (Teachers’ Qualifications) to individuals who have met the College’s requirements for certification.
Letter of Permission (LOP). Permission granted by the Minister of Education under O. Reg. 142/08 (Letters of Permission), made under the Education Act, that enables a school board to employ an individual who is not a certified teacher to teach for up to one year in an elementary or a secondary school, if there is no certified teacher available.
                 20 Teacher Assignment in Ontario Schools

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