Page 91 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 91

 Teacher prompts: “Why is it important that equity-seeking groups frame their objectives within a human rights context? What might happen if they were perceived as seeking charity rather than human rights?” “What strategies have blind activist groups, such as the Alliance for the Equality of Blind Canadians, used to ensure that the issue of support for blind people is seen as a human right? To what extent are these strategies used by other equity-seeking groups?”
C3.2 describe the ways in which Aboriginal peoples in Canada and other indigenous groups around the world (e.g., the Innu of Labrador, the Lubicon Cree of Alberta, Guyanese indigenous peoples, the Basque people of Spain and France) have used laws or international atten­ tion to try to effect changes in domestic policy with respect to social justice issues
Teacher prompts: “How and why is Amnesty International promoting the cause of the Lubicon Cree?” “What is the significance of the estab­ lishment of the Coordinating Body for the
Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA)? What is this group’s position on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples? What is the position of Aboriginal groups in Canada with respect to the UN declaration? What is the position of the Canadian government?”
C3.3 compare the ways in which injustices against women (e.g., issues related to political leadership, violence against women, the feminiza­ tion of poverty, women’s health care) have been addressed in Canada to the ways they have been addressed in other countries, with refer­ ence both to public policy and the strategies used by groups, particularly women’s groups, to effect change
Teacher prompts: “What role have grass roots organization and leadership played in addressing violence against women in Canada and some developing countries?” “What factors account for Canada’s lagging behind many countries, including Iraq, South Africa, and Norway, in electing women to national legislatures?”
Equity and Social Justice: From Theory to Practice

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