Page 81 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 81

By the end of this course, students will:
 D1. RespectingDiversity:demonstrateanunderstandingofhowtointeractsuccessfullyinsettings characterized by diversity, including school, workplace, and community settings, and ways to promote respect for diversity in these settings;
D2. Human Rights, Equity, and Antidiscrimination: demonstrate an understanding of their rights and responsibilities relating to equity and human rights, and of how to appropriately address situations involving discrimination, harassment, and the denial of rights;
D3. SocialActionandPersonalEngagement:design,implement,andevaluateaninitiativetoaddress an equity or social justice issue.
D1. Respecting Diversity
By the end of this course, students will:
D1.1 identify the specific skills, including those outlined in the Ontario Skills Passport, required to work and live successfully in diverse school, workplace, or community settings (e.g., skills related to conflict resolution, consensus building, problem solving, democratic decision-making; skills required to interact positively with peers, co-workers, clients/customers)
D1.2 explain how to apply specific skills and strategies necessary to interact effectively in diverse school, workplace, and community settings (e.g., skills/strategies for engaging in inter­ cultural communication, constructive dialogue, consensus building, interventions, advocacy; respectful behaviour; the use of inclusive language and avoidance of offensive language/expressions)
Teacher prompt: “How might you and your peers support a peer with a physical or intel­ lectual disability to enable you all to work successfully together?”
D1.3 describe various policies and initiatives in the school, workplace, and community that
are designed to promote respect for diversity
(e.g., student equity groups; school/workplace antidiscrimination policies; multiculturalism policies)
Teacher prompts: “How can cultural festivals or Pride Week or National Aboriginal Day events enhance respect for diversity in the community? To what extent can such festivals help to change people’s attitudes? What are their limitations?” “Why is it important to include antiracist components in school programs celebrating ethnocultural diversity?”
By the end of this course, students will:
D2.1 describe the protections outlined in the Ontario Human Rights Code and other human rights legislation and policies (e.g., equity and antidiscrimination legislation; antiharassment, union, worker safety, safe school policies) as they apply to school, workplace, and community settings
Teacher prompt: “What policies are in place to protect individuals who are harassed at school or in a volunteer or cooperative placement?”
   D2. Human Rights, Equity, and Antidiscrimination
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