Page 77 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 77

 Teacher prompt: “Why is it important to use inclusive language when working with groups that have a diverse membership? Why is it also important to use inclusive language with groups that seem to be homogeneous?”
B3.2 demonstrate an understanding of the
effects of individual actions that are grounded in environmental awareness (e.g., taking public transportation helps reduce air pollution, shopping at thrift stores helps reduce the depletion of resources used to create products, recycling lessens the amount of garbage going into landfill sites)
Teacher prompts: “What are some ways in which you can act in an environmentally responsible manner on a day-to-day basis? What impact can these actions have?” “What is your respon­ sibility to people in other countries and to future generations with respect to the environment?”
B3.3 explain how the media and popular culture can help create awareness of equity, social justice, and environmental issues (e.g., through Internet campaigns, social marketing, documentaries and other films; by publicizing positive role models)
Teacher prompt: “Who are some musicians who use their music to convey messages about social justice or the environment? What impact do you think they have had?”
B3.4 identify career and volunteer opportunities that could help support equity and social justice objectives (e.g., working as a trade union representative or in social services, participating in political campaigns, lobbying in support of an equity issue, serving on a community social justice committee)
Equity, Diversity, and Social Justice

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