Page 74 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 74

 Grade 11, Workplace Preparation
 A4. Communicating and Reflecting
THE ONTARIO CURRICULUM, GRADES 9–12 | Social Sciences and Humanities
A3.4 demonstrate academic honesty by docu­ menting the sources of all information generated through research
A3.5 synthesize findings and formulate conclusions (e.g., weigh and connect information to determine the answer to their research question)
Throughout this course, students will:
A4.1 use an appropriate format (e.g., oral presenta­ tion, graph, brochure, flyer, poster, report, multimedia presentation, web page) to communicate the results of their research and inquiry effectively for a specific purpose and audience
A4.2 correctly use terms relating to equity, diversity, and social justice (e.g., social construction of identity, power, oppression, social movement, antidiscrimination)
A4.3 clearly communicate the results of their inquiries (e.g., write clearly, organize ideas logically, use language conventions properly), and follow APA conventions for acknowledging sources (e.g., generate a reference list in APA style)
A4.4 demonstrate an understanding of the general research process by reflecting on and evaluating their own research, inquiry, and communication skills
Teacher prompt: “What steps might you take to enhance your research and inquiry skills?”

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