Page 385 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 385

ableism. Prejudice, stereotyping, and/or dis­ crimination directed against people who have developmental, emotional, physical, sensory, or health-related disabilities. Ableism may
be evident in organizational and institutional structures, policies, procedures, and programs, as well as in the attitudes and behaviour
of individuals.
advocacy. Action in support of a cause, including the attempt to influence public policy with respect to that cause.
antisemitism. Prejudice, stereotyping, and/or discrimination directed against individual Jews or the Jewish people on the basis of their culture and religion. Antisemitism may be evident
in organizational and institutional structures, policies, procedures, and programs, and in the attitudes and behaviour of individuals.
appropriation. The act of taking or making use of another group’s property, cultural expressions, traditions, and/or ways of being without authority or right.
bias. An opinion, preference, prejudice, or inclination that limits an individual’s or group’s ability to make fair, objective, or accurate judgements.
colonization. A practice of domination that involves the political, economic, and/or cultural subjugation of one people by another.
cultural appropriation. See appropriation.
cultural relativism. The view that norms
and values need to be understood within the context of the culture in which they are found, that they are equally valid, and that none are inherently superior.
culture. The customary beliefs, values, social forms, and material traits of an ethnic, religious, or social group.
discrimination. See individual discrimination; systemic discrimination.
diversity. The presence of a wide range of human qualities and attributes within a group, organi­ zation, or society. The dimensions of diversity include, but are not limited to, ancestry, culture, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, language, phys­ ical and intellectual ability, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, and socio-economic status.
equality. A condition in which all people are treated the same way, regardless of individual differences. See also equity.
equity. Fair, inclusive, and respectful treatment of all people. Equity does not mean treating all people the same, without regard for individual differences. See also equality.
ethnicity. The shared national, ethnocultural, racial, linguistic, and/or religious heritage or background of a group of people, whether or not they live in their country of origin.
feminism. Theories, movements, and actions that aim to promote social, economic, and political equity for women, and to challenge and eliminate sexism.

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