Page 379 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 379

 D2.2 describe the practices and rituals employed in specific rites of passage associated with vari­ ous religions and belief traditions, and explain their significance
Teacher prompts: “Why is candy thrown at
the bar mitzvah boy as he completes his Haftorah?” “How do the rituals employed by Hindus in the cremation of the body after death reflect their understanding of the afterlife?” “What are some similarities and differences in the birth, coming of age, and death rituals of several belief traditions?”
D2.3 demonstrate an understanding of symbols, art, and literature associated with rites of pas­ sage in various religions and belief traditions
Teacher prompts: “How does He Qi’s painting The Baptism of Jesus reveal the importance of baptism to Christians?” “What is the symbolic significance of the tallith in the bar/bat mitz­ vah?” “How do the symbols of the amritsanchar ceremony represent the expectations of the Sikh who joins the Khalsa?” “How do the symbols woven into the dream catcher for newborn Ojibwe babies convey the values
of the community?”
D3. Daily Observances
By the end of this course, students will:
D3.1 identify daily rituals of various world reli­ gions and belief traditions (e.g., regular prayer, ritual bathing, meditation)
D3.2 describe the role and significance of daily observances in different world religions and belief traditions (e.g., Kusti prayers, Salah, Shema, sunrise ceremony, the Five Ks in Sikhism)
Teacher prompts: “How is the Shema observed through both clothing and ritual?” “How might the observation of the sunrise ceremony affect and reflect an individual’s attitude towards the natural world?”
D3.3 explain how daily practices and rituals associated with various religions and belief traditions connect to and/or affect the lives of their adherents
Teacher prompts: “How does the observance of giving thanks (saying ‘grace’) before and after meals anchor and regulate a believer’s day?” “How might the life of someone be affected if he or she spent time in meditation or prayer or in the natural world each day?” “How might
a Sikh who observes the Five Ks as a way
of life encounter tensions in a secular world that is not informed about the significance of these practices?”
Traditions in Daily Life
World Religions and Belief

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