Page 351 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 351

 F2.3 evaluatethestrengthsandweaknessesof philosophical responses to some of the main questions in the philosophy of science
Teacher prompt: “How convincing is Fox Keller’s argument that the enterprise of science is gendered? What are the strongest aspects of her argument?”
By the end of this course, students will:
F3.1 demonstrateanunderstandingofthe influence that ideas related to the philosophy of science have on their everyday life
Teacher prompt: “How might predominant ideas related to the philosophy of science affect whether you choose to seek treatment from practitioners of alternative or conventional medicine?”
F3.2 explainwaysinwhichthephilosophyof science draws from and influences other areas of philosophy
Teacher prompts: “How did the rise of theories related to early modern science affect episte­ mology at the time?” “How might biological theories/ideas affect a person’s view of the ethics ofeuthanasiaorabortion?”“Howistheprinciple of parsimony, or Occam’s Razor, applied in the philosophy of science? In aesthetics? In ethics?”
F3.3 describeforcesthathavehelpedshapethe evolution of the philosophy of science over time(e.g.,theinfluenceofreligiousandpolitical beliefs and institutions, the impact of technological developments), and analyse their impact (e.g., the impact of Darwin’s view about evolution on philosophical theories about what constitutes a satisfactory scientific explanation)
Teacherprompt:“Howwerethescientificwork and theories of Copernicus and Galileo affected by the views of the Roman Catholic Church?”
F3.4 demonstrateanunderstandingoftheinflu­ ence that ideas in the philosophy of science have on other subject areas (e.g., the impact of empiricism on research in the social sciences; ques­ tions about the value of formal logic in science and in the philosophy of mathematics; discussions of the relative value of objectivity and subjectivity in gender studies and women’s studies)
Teacher prompts: “How have ideas in the philosophy of science been used in debates about the merits of qualitative and quantitative research in social science?” “What role has the philosophy of science played in discussions about the possibility of there being objective truth in history?”
By the end of this course, students will:
F4.1 formulateandexplain,usingphilosophical reasoning skills, their own clear and cogent responses to some of the main questions in the philosophy of science
F4.2 evaluateanddefend,inphilosophical exchanges with others, their own responses to some of the main questions in the philosophy of science, and anticipate and respond logically to counter-arguments
F4.3 correctlyuseterminologyrelatedtothephi­ losophy of science (e.g., falsification, naturalism, positivism, constructivism, paradigm)
 F3. Making Connections to the Philosophy of Science
 F4. Philosophical Reasoning in the Philosophy of Science
Philosophy: Questions and Theories

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