Page 341 - Social Sciences Humanities - The Ontario Curriculum Grades 9 to 12 - 2013
P. 341

   A3. Processing Information
A4. Communicating and Reflecting
Throughout this course, students will:
A3.1 assess various aspects of information gath­ ered from primary and secondary sources (e.g., accuracy, relevance, reliability, inherent values and bias, perspective)
Teacher prompts: “What values are embedded in the text?” “Whose perspectives are repre­ sented in this source? Whose are absent?”
A3.2 record and organize information and key ideas using a variety of formats (e.g., notes, graphic organizers, summaries, audio/digital records)
A3.3 analyse and interpret research information (e.g., compare the support for their strongest argu­ ment with support for counter-arguments)
A3.4 demonstrate academic honesty by documenting the sources of all information generated through research
A3.5 synthesize findings and formulate conclu­ sions (e.g., determine whether their results support or contradict their hypothesis; weigh and connect information to determine the answer to their research question)
Throughout this course, students will:
A4.1 use an appropriate format (e.g., a research paper reporting on an original investigation, an essay defending a personal opinion, a reaction paper responding to another person’s argument, a seminar, a website, a podcast, a documentary) to communi­ cate the results of research and inquiry effec­ tively for a specific purpose and audience
A4.2 correctly use terms relating to their chosen topics
A4.3 clearly communicate the results of their inquiries (e.g., write clearly, organize ideas logically, use language conventions properly), and follow appropriate conventions for acknowledging sources (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago, or Turabian style)
A4.4 demonstrate an understanding of the general research process by reflecting on and evaluating their own research, inquiry, and communication skills
Teacher prompt: “What steps do you need to take to improve your research and inquiry skills?”
Philosophy: Questions and Theories

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